Vela Incident - Home


Vela Incident are an Indie Rock Band originating in Port Talbot, South Wales featuring Matt Bradley (vocals), Adam Cardy (rhythm guitar), Patrick Oliver (drums/keyboard), Evan Philips (lead guitar) and Adam Tweed (bass).

The band has earned rave reviews with various magazines and bloggers and also building up a fan base since joining social media in July this year.

They have had a productive 2020 despite the issues a global pandemic causes as they released their debut single Went Too Soon in July and followed this up with Hey You August.

They released their third single Home on Friday 30 October.

Home has a slower feel to it than previous releases but allows Vela Incident to bring to the fore their talent, the track has an ear worm of a melody as you find yourself humming away to the shimmering guitars and drums.

The vocal really brings this track to life, it’s melancholic tones as Matt sings about Home and the draw that it will always have, but is there a hint of conflict with the lyrics “home is where I can’t be all alone, I just wanna be on my own” perhaps implying sometimes you need to escape Home to be your own person. The track certainly leaves you thinking and reminiscing about Home and it’s importance to you !

This is another stunning track from the boys, they write absolute banging melancholic songs, full of emotion and delivered with ear worm melodies. Vela Incident are causing a stir with their tunes and it will only be a matter of time before they are on playlists across the country.

Give Home a stream now:

Vela Incident can be followed on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Spotify pages:


First Frontier - Landslide


CXLVMBIA - Me and You