Animal Breakdown - Almost Lost


Animal Breakdown are a London three piece born out of the ashes of family tragedy, broken hearts, violence and unemployment they are brothers in arms Martin Lynch, Josef Mitchell and Marco Nikic.

The band self released their new single Almost Lost on Friday 13 November 2020, distributed by DistroKid. It follows up on the success of the band’s third single Night Garden released during the height of the summer.

The track was recorded during a weekend retreat to Brighton the boys united with audio engineer Wynter Prior at the helm, known for his remarkable work in the metal scene at AudioBeach Studios.

Almost Lost kicks off with a fuzzy guitar, a drum beat delivers a feeling of hypnosis and the haunting vocal creates a real nightmare like state as they sing the dark opening lyrics of “public school boys frolic on a rugby field, near where the girl was killed, while we kick cans over shattered glass near the underpass”

It”s a dark opening verse but the track itself touches moments of euphoria particularly in the chorus when the guitars give us a shimmering light of dreamy shoegaze pop, raising spirits and giving us hope for the dark winter months ahead.

Almost Lost is in essence is a love song, it gives us narrative on romance and despair, hope and failings, love and sex they are all touched upon as the song cascades through a range of emotions, delivered by a melody of ethereal guitars and a bass line that pricks the ears.

Animal Breakdown have brought us a song with it’s undertone of despairing romanticism that harks back to the days of Gothic Indie legends such as The Cure and The Mission. They are a band creating their own route, one that’s a little less worn than other paths in today’s music world and that’s a good thing.

Animal Breakdown have grabbed my attention, give them a chance and I’m sure they will also grab yours!

Give Almost Lost a stream now:

Animal Breakdown can be followed on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Spotify pages:


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