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PG Ciarletta - Chancer

After hitting the top 10 of the official Scottish singles charts, and a number 1 in the UK alternative genre chart with his debut single The Sesh, Kirkcaldy’s PG Ciarletta is back with his follow up single Chancer.

The ambitious Fifer from Kirkcaldy aims to build on the momentum from his debut single, The Sesh, and kick on to new levels, whilst raising money for the #WeMakeEvents movement.

Commenting on his new single, he said:

Chancer is another relatable catchy tune, and one we can all resonate with, like within our friends, families, and communities we all know a “chancer”. For me it’s all about continuing the buzz, building on the momentum and giving something positive back to everyone during these difficult times, especially the live music industry which has suffered this year. This is an industry that brings a lot of happiness to people’s life so I feel its right to contribute so we have an industry to support our live events once normal times arrive.

Chancer recorded and mastered by Nickolas Young and Rory Cowieson was released on Friday 13 November.

The track is another fantastic release from PG Ciarletta, it has a melody that is designed to do one thing and that is to get the listener bouncing. Chancer features a fantastic acoustic guitar riff that drives the track and the song is allowed to expand as it introduces layers of instrumentation as it progresses.

Once again PG uses some fantastic tongue in cheek lyrics that paint a picture in this case of the protagonist “the chancer” and this is illustrated in the opening lines of “you think you’ve pulled the wool over other people’s eyes, you’re blind drunk and you’re really forty five”.

Chancer has everything you need in a song, a catchy melody, singalong lyrics and a feel good vibe that will have crowds in a live environment throwing their pints around in mayhem.

To coin a sporting phrase PG Ciarletta has knocked the ball out of the park with Chancer already being hailed in the music world, with the renowned Jim Gellatly already awarding it with his track of the day. This is an artist whose music has captured the imagination and I’m predicting a huge future.

Give Chancer a stream now:

PG Ciarletta can be followed on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Spotify pages: