The Shed Project - Bedtime


The Shed Project are from Bolton and deal a blissful highly melodic northern guitar pop.

They originally started off as a three piece with everything from writing, demos, mixing and mastering done in John’s garden shed (hence the name). They have now evolved to a five piece and they are Roy (vocals), John (rhythm), Tim (lead), Vince (bass) and Mike (drums).

This year has been a prolific year for The Shed Project as they have already released four singles, Livin’, One Shot, Lucky Number and Do It.

Their latest single Bedtime was released on Friday 13 November and after having the pleasure of reviewing a few of their previous singles I was really looking forward to it.

Bedtime starts off with a very gentle guitar and the other instrument are layered into it to create an engaging and very appealing melody. It has a very melancholic feel to it as it describes those anxious moments we can all have when our thoughts run away from us and we struggle to cope.

This is described beautifully in the lyrics “you’re lying next to me asleep, your secrets safe that I can keep” which I imagine is a description of the protagonist not telling anyone about their own secret struggles with Mental Health.

I have loved all the previous releases so far from The Shed Project as they write tunes that play on the nostalgia of 90’s indies music but in a way that keeps them fresh.

Bedtime for me tops the lot and is their best single to date, it captures for me perfectly the essence of a melancholic indie banger, it’s got a fantastic catchy melody and some memorable stick in the head lyrics which are thought provoking.

The Project Shed will be a band that will garner a following once they can bring their cracking songs to the stage. They are working on their debut album and I can’t wait to hear it.

Give Bedtime a stream here:

The Shed Project can be followed on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Spotify pages:


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