Artesan - Lifesaver


Artesan are a modern/indie rock group from Falkirk, comprising Ronnie Bissett (vocals), Dickson Telfer (bass), William Treeby (guitar), Bryce Bissett (guitar) and Stuart Blackwood (drums).

The band cite their main influences as U2, Oasis, Mogwai, Guns n Roses and The Verve but say they are inspired by all music. 

Their debut single Feel Like Myself Again which was released in February 2020 was featured on a number of Radio shows, Rapal BBC Introducing, Jim Gellatly on Amazing Radio and Postcards From the Underground to name a few.

The latest singleLifesaver was released on Friday 19 February and opens with an acoustic guitar melody which is then joined by the drums and the fantastic vocals of Ronnie.

It’s a track that exudes the charm of a classic verve track, it has an engaging melody that reels you in and makes you sit up and take notice. Lifesaver has some intricate change ups and has an absolutely stunning solo which sees the track plays out to a wall of reverberating glistening guitar.

Artesan are a band that has a mix of ages, including father and son and it’s this diversity in life experiences that allow them to bring classic and contemporary sounds together to give us an absolute banger of a track.

Lifesaver is a track that you need to give a listen to, you won’t regret it, equally catch up with previous release Feels Like Myself Again and keep an ear open for new music. I have a feeling that Artesan are a band that are going to improve track by track.

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The Super Moons - You’re Not Alone


Gracious Losers - Loath to Leave